Nothing is as important as the condition and appearance of your community. Our managers are diligent in maintaining your common area and infrastructure. We supervise the care of every component of your community from grounds maintenance to complex high-rise building infrastructure and everything in between. We collaborate with your reserve specialist to ensure that all property components are included in your reserve study, and that all repairs and new additions are accounted for in each reserve study update. Routine maintenance costs, reserve contributions and anticipated reserve expenditures are carefully budgeted, and our managers diligently maintain inventory, inspection, and maintenance schedules. Your association will not be limited to “preferred vendors” who have paid a fee to the management company to be on a “preferred vendor list”. When we go out to bid for service providers we bid competitively and openly and work closely with successful bidders to ensure the community receives a high-quality level of service. Our managers develop emergency preparedness plans and are available 24/7 for emergency response.
Call: 703-821-CAMP (2267)